Monday, March 19, 2012

wake me up from this dream.

me and danny kind of got in a fight today basically just because I'm crazy and I'm on my period. I don't wanna discuss it anymore.

hopefully he doesn't think any less of me because of it. I don't want him to think I'm to psycho for him to love me.

i think i do love him. im probably just infatuated with him but he's different than everyone else. I just don't ever want him to leave me.

I'm scared he's gonna leave me. fuck borderline personality disorder.

if he honestly knew how crazy I really was I doubt he would like me. lol. he knows some. like he knows i cut and i have depression and i go to counseling. i think he suspects some of my eating disorder but idk.

i'm hungry. I might go have a banana. idk. i've had like 450 today so i can afford to eat a banana.

i feel like cutting. i'm honestly scared danny is going to leave me even though I know he wont. ugh.

i just like him so much its nuts. he makes life suck a lot less and he makes me not want to kill myself all the time.

i still want too- yes. i do. i still think of suicide. not as often though. which is good. I'm making progress. I've gotten a lot better.

fuck my eating disorder. kbye.

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