Monday, March 26, 2012

i haven't wrote much this month.

sorry. I don't know. I've just been putting it off.

i stayed home from school because i fucking hate school.

i like danny but im scared he's gonna leave me one of these days.

doubting if i should tell him about my eating disorder. I'm gonna have to tell him one of these days.

i feel like he wont believe me. i think he thinks i don't have a reason to be upset with life.

i dont i guess. but just because i dont have a reason doesn't change the situation.

i think he knows though if he were to break up with me i would want to kill myself. i would. but i don't know if i actually would.

he pisses me off a lot. i'm too needy. i want him to just kiss my feet 24/7 and hes not gonna do that. i guess we need our space from each other.

im done trying with a lot of things. time for nap time. im getting so fat. ive binged for the last 3 days. im fasting tomorrow. deff. and wednesday im going to eat 300. and then thursday 500 and then friday 600 and saturday 800. yay.

nap time. bye.

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