Thursday, August 18, 2011


i had 255 calories today. not bad. I purged though, so dunno where that leaves me.

I'm so hungry though, and theres pizza and bread sticks downstairs that smell delicious. it's killing me not to go eat them.

i passed up pizza today to at my friends house. i can't believe how strong I've been.

tomorrow? well see. it's friday. I might be getting drunk before the football game so I'll prob be consuming calories there.

No idea what my weight is. after my laxatives passed today I was like 120, dunno if I'm still there, will find out tomorrow.

I was in a dead spell for awhile. literately like a walking zombie. I was so suicidal I literately tried to end it. I've been just so done with my parents and everything. and I'm just, sick.

Today has been better though. My therapist is putting me in this more intense therapy thing, where people come and check up on me everyday. I dunno, I guess it's something.

so lets talk boyz.
carlton is in my health class. yayz. haha. I stopped liking him for so long but now I do again. I dunno he gives me those butterflies. I don't know if it will forreal go any where. but you never know I guess.

charles. nfdicdivuduvjfudjgiudghiudfghiufdhsiudghiufgh. he such a fucking perve. if he wasn't such a creep I prob wouldn't ignore his texts. he's so creepy. and hes in my english class and my spanish. wtfz. he keeps poking me on fb and texting me. i feel bad not texting him back so i do. and i always end up talking sexual with him even though I don't want to. I would like him if he changed a lot of things about himself. and I don't wanna get wrapped up with his ex girlfriend drama. he loves her, I dont wanna deal with it.

so thats that. Gonna go comment in some blogs. see ya.

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