Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why can't I cut without it leaving any scars

Why can't I cry with no one listening
Why can't I eat and not get fat
Why can't I be pretty like all those girls
Why can't I stick up for myself
Why am I so fucked up?
I think I'm better but I'm fucking not. I'm insane. I'm not in the right mind.

I need to lose weight and get rid of my acne and get whiter teeth so I'll be pretty and guys will like me. Or maybe just maybe I'll like me. Can I just like me?

Holy fuck I want to cut I want to cut.

I should of done Molly tonight maybe I wod feel better.

I hate this person I am. Someone please help me. Get this person away from me. I hate her.

Don't you get it? I can't stand me. I hate me. I'm ugly and awful and I suck.

I wish I was beautiful. And skinny. Why do girls that are mean get to be pretty and tan? Why do I not get that.

I'll always be just kaci. The redhead. Nothing special. Always nothing special.

Why does the world make me hate myself? Why was I so forced in my brain that it's not okay to love me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, stay strong, okay? You're perfect just the way you are, and I know it's hard to see that. But you are your own worst enemy, so try to keep that in mind, okay?
