Sunday, July 3, 2011

well hello there

FIRST OFF. I wanted to comment back what RavenKat14 said, but for some reason blogger is not letting me do it, grr. anyways, I really appreciate what you said, and I'm glad you can see where I was coming from, because I thought most people wouldn't understand. and thank you very much, it means a lot. xoxoxo.

so anyways back to blog. yesterday I walked/danced in the vp parade in st louis and ended up passing out and throwing up. it was bad. i had like 15 people around me pouring water on me. i legit had everything against me.
1. was hungover
2. only slept for like two hours
3.didn't eat anything
4. on my period

lol. but yeah it sucked. my party sucked too. i had a bad drunk. i thought like everyone was out to get me and everyone was talking about me. it was the scariest thing of my life, I just made myself go to sleep. it sucked. my birthday is in two days. yay for being 16.

I did somthing stupid today. I've been doing it for a long time, and I'm not going to say what it is, because no one knows. But lets just say this time I did it it really could of led to ruining my life. I was going to do it today. I was gonna end it all. I called kuto and told them the deep secret, they didn't know much to say. It just helped crying it out and talking I guess. I don't want to think about what happened. Maybe one day I'll be able to talk about it. but I doubt anyone would be able to understand. So I'm done...

I b/p today. I prob will tomorow too. for my birthday, I'm just gonna try to be happy and eat whatever.

I hate how fat I am. I'm getting huge. my sister caught me purging today. I just lied and lied but she didn't believe me. whatever.

I'm out baiiii

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