I hate my family.im so angry right now, I just want to keep on cutting myself until i bleed to death. I fucking hate everything! I suck at life. Im never gonna be good enough. All I want is to be happy. I'll never be happy. I hate myself, I hate everything about me. I hate my life. I don't give a fuck if I'm lucky, you think I don't know that shit?
I don't know what to do anymore! I legit just want to kill myself. I hate living. I told my therapists I would be strong, but I'm just sick of fighting! It's to hard, I'm not strong enough to change my life. I'll always be to fat and too ugly. My thinking will never change. I'll never be happy. I just want to die. I don't want to live anymore. I hate life. I hate everything. Ill never be the girl everyone else wants me to be. I'll never live up to the worlds expectations. I'll always just be ugly kaci. Sure I'm nice, but no one appreciates that. You can't just be nice to get by in this world.
The only one that accepts me is god. It's even hard for me to wrap my head around that he loves me.
I hate my fat self. I hate everything. I'm repulsive. I. Just. Want. To. Die.
Please take me god. I hate this world. Im never going to be good enough for it, so why live? I'm too fucking weird and not like everyone else. No one will accept me but you. I just want to be in heaven with you and my kitty.
Darknesss just surrounds me. I'm trapped in this whole and I'll never get out.
I hate life, I hate me. Ugh. I need to die.
Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die.
Fat fat fat fat fat fat fat f
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